Saturday, August 22

Connected to the World Again

SOOOOO I have internet access at home again! Joy to the world. I probably won't get much else done around the house now, but I'm sure the excitement will wear off once I have the baby! Oh yes if you (you being anyone who might read this) didn't know I am 8 months pregnant with my third kid, only 8 weeks to go and this summer was kind to me until August and now I am miserable. Its ok though I'll get through it lol

We have a little netbook now, so I can hopefully be posting more regularly again. I'm still getting used to the tiny screen and keyboard but I do like it. My Elvira nails are kind of challenging to work around. I highly recommend prenatal vitamins for anyone with brittle cracking nails LOL!!! I am going to find out if its ok to take those when you aren't pregnant....

Saturday, December 13

Wednesday, December 10


Who is who? :)

Thursday, November 13

Sunday Morning on the Beach

On the $1 Pier



Saturday on the Boardwalk

These are in backwards order but I'm too tired to fix them so go the bottom and start there :)

Pictures from SC

Pics from the Plane Ride to NC

That's a Glory there on the cloud (bulls eye)

A Couple of New Things

I totally love this necklace. Its dichroic lampwork glass for the dolphin and faceted Iolite stones.

A Little Info

I know I haven't written in my blog in a while. I just haven't had the time, and now we are thinking of getting rid of the internet to save $60 a month which is sad because its like my connection with the outside world!!

As most of you may know, the pregnancy terminated itself a couple of weeks ago. I am really ok though. I feel grateful to God that I had the experience as I feel that it strengthened my resolve and showed me how selfish I was being through out the 11.5 weeks that my body was a vessel. All I cared about was how much weight I was gaining and how crappy I felt and woe is me wah wah wah. I didn't really care about anything else, didn't really even acknowledge the pregnancy on a daily basis because I was too wrapped up in how I was feeling. I ate like crap, still drank a moderate amount of caffeine daily (bad bad bad for fetuses), and didn't exercise much at all. We may never know what caused it to end, but I know that if and when I get pregnant again, I am going to cherish every moment and every day no matter how awful I feel. I'll gain a hundred pounds if that is what my body needs to do.

In other ways it is also better I think this way, because now Kris can finish school without worrying about me delivering right when he would be graduating, and he can focus more on his studies so that he can get a job and then the pressure won't be all on me to be the one with a steady job. He does contribute a lot financially to things like food and some of the mortgage, but its not enough for us to live on.

So anyhow, that's what has been up. Its been emotional but I have made peace with it and I am looking forward to trying again!!! :)

A Good Picture of Hubby and Me

Fun Times in the Cemetery

I love how this one came out with saturation!

Red Filter obviously lol

Cool shadow