Saturday, September 27

I'm Sure Most Of You Know By Now

....that I'm pregnant again :)

I am not sure how far along probably about 8 weeks or so. I have a doctor's appointment on October 1st to get an ultrasound so I'll post a pic of it on here :)

I have had NO time to blog lately, and my stupid Acer has some kind of problem in the back where the power cord plugs in. Sometimes it makes contact, sometimes it doesn't. I really need a new laptop bad. Oh well.

So anyway, right now my baby is the size of a Kidney bean (5/8") and I feel about as big as a beluga whale already! I really hope I don't blow up with this one like I did with Alex. I've been jogging every few days and walking as much as possible, but winter's coming. I do have a gym membership that I'm going to try to use more when it starts getting to crappy out to walk. It will be hard to find time because of course now both kids are more demanding as they are both in school (alicia is in 2 day a week preschool) and want ME there when they get home, not Kris. Alicia has become very clingy lately and gets very upset if I am not able to make her breakfast, get her dressed, help her brush her teeth, and read her a story. I have had Alex almost full time since he started school and he needs a lot of attention although he is not as demanding for it. I don't want him to feel left out. So when am I supposed to make time to exercise? And spend time with Kris? I have no idea. Someone is going to get sacrificed. That is just the way life goes.


Mel~Bulldog said...

I was just going to send you a message at some point to see how things were going.... I pray they're well..?

ah yes, your appt is tomorrow. cool! will be nice to 'meet' the baby...!

Things with time for all, including yourself, will happen. no worries!! these things always do pan out...

I pray everyone is doing well... hugs & prayers to all

Astrid said...

Good luck today! I love first ultrasounds and hearing the heartbeat. Makes me smile to think of it. :D